"What's adAS"
Why use it as your Single Sign On

adAS is an Advanced Authentication Server that works as an Identity Provider and has got an integrated management tool for its configuration backend. This interface makes easier the configuration and management of the Single Sign-On.
What makes us different?
Contrary to other authentication products, adAS provides flexibility and adaptation to any technological environment. It makes easier the deployment of a Single Sign-On.
This versatility results in adAS being able to obtain the digital identity information of the users, getting it from different locations. Thanks to this information, adAS allows the users to access to several resources and applications with a single authentication.
The user accesses to various applications of its organization with a single identification.
adAS minimize the impact of events such as passwords forgotten or the use of multiple usernames for a single person.
adAS has a simple, intuitive management tool that makes the Single Sign-On management easier. It includes a Business Intelligence (BI) engine that uses the dashboard to show the Single Sign-On status.
adAS tries to not just be an efficient and secure management tool, but to make the transition of the users to the new environment easier and clearer.
Thanks to its specific features, adAS provides a safe and trusting environment managing and using the digital identity in the organization.
adAS is able to get identity digital information of the users, regardless of its location. adAS works with the most popular data sources: Oracle Database, PosgreSQL, MySQL, LDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft SQL Server, etc.
At the moment, adAS provides access to more than half a million users/day, being one of the most detailed, sound and functional Single Sign-On product nowadays.
adAS controls the access to the applications based on the users's information, allowing to configure the authorization policies through the adAS administration tool.
adAS reduces management costs by avoiding the applications to manage the digital identity of the users. adAS also simplify the applications of the SSO because it is not required to implement other access control measures.
Thanks to the technical capabilities of adAS, it is simple to provide access to the applications included in the Single Sign-On.
Some of the most relevant applications that can be integrated with adAS are: Moodle, Sakai, Drupal, WordPress, Google Apps, Microsoft Sharepoint, Liferay or Alfresco, among others.
To that end, adAS is based in several interoperability standards, such as Shibboleth, SAML, PAPI, OpenSSO or CAS.
adAS allows the user to authenticate with various kinds of credentials, such as username and password, the spanish electronic National ID (DNIe), digital certificates, Kerberos, etc.
Also, it is possible to identify the user in an external organization, checking the access in adAS. This kind of authentication is called Delegated Authentication.